Sunrise and Sunset Times in California State
California is approximately 770 miles long and 250 miles wide, with a total land area of 163,696quare miles and each location has a slightly different sunrise and sunset time.
We've listed the top locations in California below, but you can search for a particular location to find out the exact sunset and sunrise times.
First light at 6:08:55 AM
Sunrise time: 6:32:47 AM
Sunset time: 7:05:49 PM
Last light at 7:29:41 PM
First light at 6:05:36 AM
Sunrise time: 6:29:06 AM
Sunset time: 7:00:51 PM
Last light at 7:24:21 PM
California's sunrises and sunsets are greatly influenced by its diverse landscapes and climate. Along the coast, the interaction of sunlight with the ocean creates a spectrum of colors, seen vividly at places like Southern California beaches, Big Sur, and the Golden Gate Bridge. Desert areas like the Mojave and Colorado deserts offer clear skies that enhance the range of colors in vast, open landscapes. The Sierra Nevada and other mountains showcase alpenglow, a phenomenon where mountains glow rosy in the light. The state's various microclimates, including coastal fog, desert heat, and mountain air, shape the colors and patterns of the sky. Additionally, urban settings contribute to the scenery with city skylines against vibrant skies.
First light at 6:20:50 AM
Sunrise time: 6:45:44 AM
Sunset time: 7:22:04 PM
Last light at 7:46:59 PM
First light at 6:22:33 AM
Sunrise time: 6:47:36 AM
Sunset time: 7:24:24 PM
Last light at 7:49:27 PM
First light at 6:12:51 AM
Sunrise time: 6:37:33 AM
Sunset time: 7:13:17 PM
Last light at 7:37:59 PM
First light at 6:18:07 AM
Sunrise time: 6:43:28 AM
Sunset time: 7:21:09 PM
Last light at 7:46:29 PM
First light at 6:08:56 AM
Sunrise time: 6:32:44 AM
Sunset time: 7:05:29 PM
Last light at 7:29:16 PM
First light at 6:21:56 AM
Sunrise time: 6:46:59 AM
Sunset time: 7:23:50 PM
Last light at 7:48:53 PM
First light at 6:10:59 AM
Sunrise time: 6:35:14 AM
Sunset time: 7:09:34 PM
Last light at 7:33:50 PM
First light at 6:07:46 AM
Sunrise time: 6:31:35 AM
Sunset time: 7:04:24 PM
Last light at 7:28:12 PM
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First light at 6:07:39 AM
Sunrise time: 6:31:26 AM
Sunset time: 7:04:10 PM
Last light at 7:27:57 PM
First light at 6:05:36 AM
Sunrise time: 6:29:27 AM
Sunset time: 7:02:23 PM
Last light at 7:26:13 PM
First light at 6:17:52 AM
Sunrise time: 6:42:59 AM
Sunset time: 7:19:59 PM
Last light at 7:45:07 PM
First light at 6:05:21 AM
Sunrise time: 6:28:49 AM
Sunset time: 7:00:31 PM
Last light at 7:23:59 PM
First light at 6:07:25 AM
Sunrise time: 6:31:10 AM
Sunset time: 7:03:51 PM
Last light at 7:27:36 PM
First light at 6:21:01 AM
Sunrise time: 6:46:00 AM
Sunset time: 7:22:34 PM
Last light at 7:47:32 PM