Sunset and sunrise times API
We offer a free API that provides sunset and sunrise times for a given latitude and longitude.
Please note that attribution is required if you use our API. Check "Usage limits and attribution" section below for more information.
API documentation
Ours is a very simple REST api, you only have to do a GET request to No need to sign up or get an API Key.
Request parameters
- lat (float): Latitude in decimal degrees. Required.
- lng (float): Longitude in decimal degrees. Required.
- date (string): Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Also accepts other date formats and even relative date formats. If not present, date defaults to current date. Optional.
- callback (string): Callback function name for JSONP response. Optional.
- formatted (integer): 0 or 1 (1 is default). Time values in response will be expressed following ISO 8601 and day_length will be expressed in seconds. Optional.
- tzid (string): A timezone identifier, like for example: UTC, Africa/Lagos, Asia/Hong_Kong, or Europe/Lisbon. The list of valid identifiers is available in this List of Supported Timezones. If provided, the times in the response will be referenced to the given Time Zone. Optional.
Sample requests
These are three sample requests for getting sunset and sunrise information from our API for a given location:
The API response include the times for the sun events in the given location. Data is formatted using JSON.
Note that unless you provide a tzid, all times are in UTC and summer time adjustments are not included in the returned data.
An example response:
{ "results": { "sunrise":"7:27:02 AM", "sunset":"5:05:55 PM", "solar_noon":"12:16:28 PM", "day_length":"9:38:53", "civil_twilight_begin":"6:58:14 AM", "civil_twilight_end":"5:34:43 PM", "nautical_twilight_begin":"6:25:47 AM", "nautical_twilight_end":"6:07:10 PM", "astronomical_twilight_begin":"5:54:14 AM", "astronomical_twilight_end":"6:38:43 PM" }, "status":"OK", "tzid": "UTC" }
Response without date formatting:
{ "results": { "sunrise":"2015-05-21T05:05:35+00:00", "sunset":"2015-05-21T19:22:59+00:00", "solar_noon":"2015-05-21T12:14:17+00:00", "day_length":51444, "civil_twilight_begin":"2015-05-21T04:36:17+00:00", "civil_twilight_end":"2015-05-21T19:52:17+00:00", "nautical_twilight_begin":"2015-05-21T04:00:13+00:00", "nautical_twilight_end":"2015-05-21T20:28:21+00:00", "astronomical_twilight_begin":"2015-05-21T03:20:49+00:00", "astronomical_twilight_end":"2015-05-21T21:07:45+00:00" }, "status":"OK", "tzid": "UTC" }
Consult our glossary of astronical definitions to understand each element of the response object.
Status codes
The "status" field within the API response object contains the status of the request. The "status" field may contain the following values:
- "OK": indicates that no errors occurred;
- "INVALID_REQUEST": indicates that either lat or lng parameters are missing or invalid;
- "INVALID_DATE": indicates that date parameter is missing or invalid;
- "UNKNOWN_ERROR": indicates that the request could not be processed due to a server error. The request may succeed if you try again.
- "INVALID_TZID": indicates that tzid parameter value provided is invalid, response is valid but times are in UTC.
How to use the API from an AJAX request?
Use the parameter callback to receive a JSONP response and avoid cross domain boundaries:
Usage limits and attribution
The sunrise and sunset API can be used free of charge. You may not use this API in a manner that exceeds reasonable request volume, constitutes excessive or abusive usage. We require that you show attribution to us with a link to our site.
Subscribe to our API newsletter to keep up to date with changes and announcements about the service:
💡 Got a cool idea? 🤦 Found any errors?
We're always improving this website!
If you have an idea of some content or information to include in this page or found an error, please let us know!
- December 27, 2023: Several minor bug fixes.
- December 5, 2023: New tzid parameter allows you to provide a custom timezone for your requests.
- November 29, 2023: Released API status page. Subscribe to receive alerts if the service goes down.
- September 21, 2018: New API server! Downtime problems have been fixed.
- April 5, 2017: HTTPS requests are accepted.
- Feb 26, 2016: Dates are now checked to be valid Gregorian dates.
- May 22, 2015: Support for ISO 8601 dates by adding 'formatted' parameter to request.
- May 16, 2015: Minor bugs fixed.
- April 22, 2015: CORS has been enabled.
- March 15, 2015: Response content type changed to "application/json".
- February 23, 2015: JSONP response available!
- December 22, 2014: New data added to the response: solar noon, day length and civil, nautical and astronomical twilight (begin and end).
- December 16, 2014: First version of the API is out!
Please contact us for all your API questions.
If you enjoy using our API please consider supporting the project by buying us a coffe!