Sunrise and Sunset Times in Utah State

Utah is approximately 350 miles long and 270 miles wide, with a total land area of 84,897quare miles and each location has a slightly different sunrise and sunset time.

We've listed the top locations in Utah below, but you can search for a particular location to find out the exact sunset and sunrise times.

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:46:39 AM

Sunrise time: 7:12:36 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:28:47 PM

Last light at 7:54:44 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:47:07 AM

Sunrise time: 7:13:03 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:29:13 PM

Last light at 7:55:08 PM

Utah's sunrises and sunsets stand out for their extraordinary and varied beauty, shaped by the state's diverse terrain from the high desert plateaus to the majestic mountains. The desert regions, particularly in Southern Utah, present a stunning canvas for the sunrise and sunset, with the sun casting a golden glow on the red rock landscapes. The interplay of light with the unique geological formations creates a magical and ever-changing spectacle. In the mountainous areas, such as the Wasatch and Uinta ranges, the sun's rays create a dramatic effect as they illuminate or fade behind the rugged peaks. Utah's typically clear skies and dry atmosphere contribute to the intensity and clarity of these moments, with each sunrise and sunset offering a unique and awe-inspiring experience.

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:46:00 AM

Sunrise time: 7:11:45 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:27:46 PM

Last light at 7:53:31 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:46:55 AM

Sunrise time: 7:12:49 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:28:57 PM

Last light at 7:54:51 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:55:14 AM

Sunrise time: 7:19:52 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:34:55 PM

Last light at 7:59:32 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:46:07 AM

Sunrise time: 7:11:53 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:27:56 PM

Last light at 7:53:42 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:46:37 AM

Sunrise time: 7:12:30 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:28:38 PM

Last light at 7:54:30 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:46:43 AM

Sunrise time: 7:12:51 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:29:12 PM

Last light at 7:55:20 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:55:15 AM

Sunrise time: 7:19:53 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:34:55 PM

Last light at 7:59:33 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:46:48 AM

Sunrise time: 7:12:52 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:29:10 PM

Last light at 7:55:14 PM

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Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:46:35 AM

Sunrise time: 7:12:30 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:28:40 PM

Last light at 7:54:36 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:46:53 AM

Sunrise time: 7:12:48 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:28:58 PM

Last light at 7:54:53 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:46:55 AM

Sunrise time: 7:12:47 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:28:55 PM

Last light at 7:54:47 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:46:41 AM

Sunrise time: 7:12:30 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:28:34 PM

Last light at 7:54:22 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:45:51 AM

Sunrise time: 7:12:12 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:28:44 PM

Last light at 7:55:04 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:46:41 AM

Sunrise time: 7:12:36 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:28:46 PM

Last light at 7:54:40 PM

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