Sunrise and Sunset Times in Tennessee State

Tennessee is approximately 440 miles long and 120 miles wide, with a total land area of 42,144quare miles and each location has a slightly different sunrise and sunset time.

We've listed the top locations in Tennessee below, but you can search for a particular location to find out the exact sunset and sunrise times.

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:15:58 AM

Sunrise time: 6:40:09 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:12:15 PM

Last light at 7:36:25 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:02:07 AM

Sunrise time: 6:26:36 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 6:59:41 PM

Last light at 7:24:10 PM

Tennessee's sunrises and sunsets are renowned for their vibrant beauty, thanks to the state's varied landscapes that range from the Mississippi River plains to the majestic Great Smoky Mountains. Along the river, the sun rising and setting over the water creates mesmerizing reflections and hues. In the central regions, the rolling hills and valleys of the Cumberland Plateau provide a picturesque canvas for the sun's journey, with the light casting long shadows and warm glows. The Smoky Mountains offer a dramatic backdrop for these moments, especially as the sun peeks through the misty peaks at dawn or sets behind them in a blaze of colors. Tennessee's distinct seasons add further depth to these views, with each bringing its own unique palette and atmospheric conditions.

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:50:49 AM

Sunrise time: 7:15:14 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:48:08 PM

Last light at 8:12:34 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:57:05 AM

Sunrise time: 7:21:14 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:53:16 PM

Last light at 8:17:24 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:04:07 AM

Sunrise time: 6:28:44 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:02:09 PM

Last light at 7:26:46 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:00:47 AM

Sunrise time: 6:25:11 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 6:57:57 PM

Last light at 7:22:20 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:10:40 AM

Sunrise time: 6:34:59 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:07:32 PM

Last light at 7:31:51 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:02:39 AM

Sunrise time: 6:27:03 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 6:59:54 PM

Last light at 7:24:19 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:44:16 AM

Sunrise time: 7:08:48 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:42:03 PM

Last light at 8:06:35 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:15:14 AM

Sunrise time: 6:39:25 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:11:34 PM

Last light at 7:35:46 PM

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Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:01:21 AM

Sunrise time: 6:25:53 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 6:59:05 PM

Last light at 7:23:37 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:44:54 AM

Sunrise time: 7:09:31 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:42:59 PM

Last light at 8:07:36 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:14:31 AM

Sunrise time: 6:38:39 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:10:40 PM

Last light at 7:34:48 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:55:16 AM

Sunrise time: 7:19:27 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:51:35 PM

Last light at 8:15:46 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:01:12 AM

Sunrise time: 6:25:38 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 6:58:32 PM

Last light at 7:22:58 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:56:44 AM

Sunrise time: 7:20:54 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:53:01 PM

Last light at 8:17:11 PM

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