Sunrise and Sunset Times in Florida State

Florida is approximately 450 miles long and 361 miles wide, with a total land area of 65,755quare miles and each location has a slightly different sunrise and sunset time.

We've listed the top locations in Florida below, but you can search for a particular location to find out the exact sunset and sunrise times.

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:45:13 AM

Sunrise time: 7:08:06 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:37:52 PM

Last light at 8:00:46 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:42:18 AM

Sunrise time: 7:04:13 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:30:09 PM

Last light at 7:52:04 PM

Florida's sunrises and sunsets are shaped by its unique geographical position as a peninsula and its diverse natural landscapes. Surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, Florida offers expansive coastal views that create spectacular settings for both morning and evening skies. The Atlantic coast is renowned for its vibrant sunrises, with uninterrupted views of the sun emerging from the ocean in a display of oranges, pinks, and purples, especially visible from beaches like Miami and West Palm Beach. The Gulf Coast, including cities like Tampa and Naples, is famous for its dramatic sunsets, with the sky and water reflecting stunning reds, golds, and purples. Florida's inland areas, including the Everglades, lakes, and rivers, also contribute to beautiful sunrise and sunset views, with flat landscapes and water bodies reflecting the sky's colors against a background of subtropical wilderness. The state's climate, characterized by subtropical weather with more moisture in the air, leads to dramatic cloud formations and vivid colors. Additionally, Florida's warm weather year-round allows for comfortable enjoyment of these moments outdoors.

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:49:59 AM

Sunrise time: 7:12:20 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:40:03 PM

Last light at 8:02:24 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:44:57 AM

Sunrise time: 7:07:47 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:37:20 PM

Last light at 8:00:09 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:45:18 AM

Sunrise time: 7:07:47 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:35:59 PM

Last light at 7:58:28 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:50:50 AM

Sunrise time: 7:13:09 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:40:42 PM

Last light at 8:03:01 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:42:33 AM

Sunrise time: 7:04:29 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:30:29 PM

Last light at 7:52:24 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:55:39 AM

Sunrise time: 7:18:33 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:48:25 PM

Last light at 8:11:19 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:41:50 AM

Sunrise time: 7:03:49 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:30:01 PM

Last light at 7:52:00 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:42:01 AM

Sunrise time: 7:04:13 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:31:22 PM

Last light at 7:53:35 PM

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Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:48:49 AM

Sunrise time: 7:10:53 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:37:27 PM

Last light at 7:59:30 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:42:32 AM

Sunrise time: 7:04:29 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:30:37 PM

Last light at 7:52:34 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:41:57 AM

Sunrise time: 7:03:54 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:30:01 PM

Last light at 7:51:59 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:42:35 AM

Sunrise time: 7:04:32 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:30:38 PM

Last light at 7:52:35 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:48:21 AM

Sunrise time: 7:11:05 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:40:15 PM

Last light at 8:02:58 PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 6:42:17 AM

Sunrise time: 7:04:17 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 7:30:37 PM

Last light at 7:52:37 PM

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