Sunrise and sunset times in Nant-y-moel
Check out today's and tomorrow's sunrise and sunset times in Nant-y-moel, Wales, United Kingdom, as well as the whole calendar for October 2024.
October 14, 2024 . Current time: 10:19:52 am
First light at 7:03:58 am
Sunrise time: 7:35:57 am
Sunset time: 6:24:08 pm
Last light at 6:56:07 pm
Day length: 10 hours, 48 minutes
8 hours, 4 minutes left for today's sunset in Nant-y-moel
October 15, 2024
First light at 7:05:37 am
Sunrise time: 7:37:39 am
Sunset time: 6:21:59 pm
Last light at 6:54:01 pm
Day length: 10 hours, 44 minutes
Tomorrow will be 3 minutes shorter than today in Nant-y-moel
- Nant-y-moel, Wales
- Latitude: 51.624352
- Longitude: -3.540320
- Time zone: UTC+1 BST
Shortest day in Nant-y-moel, Wales
The shortest day of the year will be in %d months and 6 days., during the winter solstice on December 21, 2024, with a daylight length of 7 hours and 52 minutes.Longest day in Nant-y-moel, Wales
The longest day of the year was around 3 months ago, during the summer solstice on June 20, 2024, with a daylight length of 16 hours and 44 minutes.October 2024 - Nant-y-moel, Wales - Sunrise and sunset calendar
Sunrise and sunset times, civil twilight start and end times as well as solar noon, and day length for every day of October in Nant-y-moel.
The day length shortens by 1 hour, 54 minutes over the course of October 2024, from 11 hours, 38 minutes on the first day to 9 hours, 44 minutes on the last in Nant-y-moel, Wales.
Day | Twilight Start | Sunrise | Sunset | Twilight End | Day Length | Solar Noon Time of day when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. | Nautical Twilight Start | Nautical Twilight End | Astronomical Twilight Start | Astronomical Twilight End | Night Length Calculated form this day's sunset to the next day's sunrise. | Moon phase |
Tue, Oct 1 | 6:42:38 am | 7:14:14 am | 6:53:04 pm | 7:24:39 pm | 11h 38m 50s | 1:03:39 pm | 6:03:45 am | 8:03:33 pm | 5:23:55 am | 8:43:23 pm | 12h 22m 48s | 🌘 (3%) |
Wed, Oct 2 | 6:44:16 am | 7:15:52 am | 6:50:47 pm | 7:22:23 pm | 11h 34m 55s | 1:03:20 pm | 6:05:26 am | 8:01:14 pm | 5:25:42 am | 8:40:57 pm | 12h 26m 44s | 🌘 (1%) |
Thu, Oct 3 | 6:45:54 am | 7:17:31 am | 6:48:31 pm | 7:20:08 pm | 11h 31m 0s | 1:03:01 pm | 6:07:06 am | 7:58:56 pm | 5:27:29 am | 8:38:33 pm | 12h 30m 39s | 🌑 (0%) |
Fri, Oct 4 | 6:47:33 am | 7:19:10 am | 6:46:15 pm | 7:17:53 pm | 11h 27m 5s | 1:02:43 pm | 6:08:46 am | 7:56:39 pm | 5:29:15 am | 8:36:11 pm | 12h 34m 35s | 🌒 (1%) |
Sat, Oct 5 | 6:49:11 am | 7:20:50 am | 6:43:59 pm | 7:15:38 pm | 11h 23m 9s | 1:02:25 pm | 6:10:26 am | 7:54:23 pm | 5:31:00 am | 8:33:49 pm | 12h 38m 31s | 🌒 (4%) |
Sun, Oct 6 | 6:50:49 am | 7:22:30 am | 6:41:45 pm | 7:13:25 pm | 11h 19m 15s | 1:02:07 pm | 6:12:05 am | 7:52:09 pm | 5:32:45 am | 8:31:29 pm | 12h 42m 24s | 🌒 (9%) |
Mon, Oct 7 | 6:52:27 am | 7:24:09 am | 6:39:30 pm | 7:11:12 pm | 11h 15m 21s | 1:01:50 pm | 6:13:45 am | 7:49:55 pm | 5:34:29 am | 8:29:11 pm | 12h 46m 20s | 🌒 (15%) |
Tue, Oct 8 | 6:54:06 am | 7:25:50 am | 6:37:16 pm | 7:09:00 pm | 11h 11m 26s | 1:01:33 pm | 6:15:24 am | 7:47:42 pm | 5:36:12 am | 8:26:54 pm | 12h 50m 14s | 🌒 (23%) |
Wed, Oct 9 | 6:55:44 am | 7:27:30 am | 6:35:03 pm | 7:06:49 pm | 11h 7m 33s | 1:01:17 pm | 6:17:03 am | 7:45:31 pm | 5:37:55 am | 8:24:38 pm | 12h 54m 8s | 🌒 (32%) |
Thu, Oct 10 | 6:57:23 am | 7:29:11 am | 6:32:51 pm | 7:04:39 pm | 11h 3m 40s | 1:01:01 pm | 6:18:41 am | 7:43:20 pm | 5:39:38 am | 8:22:24 pm | 12h 58m 1s | 🌒 (41%) |
Fri, Oct 11 | 6:59:01 am | 7:30:52 am | 6:30:39 pm | 7:02:29 pm | 10h 59m 47s | 1:00:45 pm | 6:20:20 am | 7:41:11 pm | 5:41:20 am | 8:20:11 pm | 13h 1m 54s | 🌓 (52%) |
Sat, Oct 12 | 7:00:40 am | 7:32:33 am | 6:28:28 pm | 7:00:21 pm | 10h 55m 55s | 1:00:30 pm | 6:21:58 am | 7:39:03 pm | 5:43:01 am | 8:18:00 pm | 13h 5m 47s | 🌔 (63%) |
Sun, Oct 13 | 7:02:19 am | 7:34:15 am | 6:26:17 pm | 6:58:13 pm | 10h 52m 2s | 1:00:16 pm | 6:23:37 am | 7:36:56 pm | 5:44:42 am | 8:15:50 pm | 13h 9m 40s | 🌔 (73%) |
Mon, Oct 14 | 7:03:58 am | 7:35:57 am | 6:24:08 pm | 6:56:07 pm | 10h 48m 11s | 1:00:02 pm | 6:25:15 am | 7:34:50 pm | 5:46:23 am | 8:13:42 pm | 13h 13m 31s | 🌔 (83%) |
Tue, Oct 15 | 7:05:37 am | 7:37:39 am | 6:21:59 pm | 6:54:01 pm | 10h 44m 20s | 12:59:49 pm | 6:26:52 am | 7:32:45 pm | 5:48:03 am | 8:11:35 pm | 13h 17m 23s | 🌔 (91%) |
Wed, Oct 16 | 7:07:16 am | 7:39:22 am | 6:19:51 pm | 6:51:57 pm | 10h 40m 29s | 12:59:36 pm | 6:28:30 am | 7:30:42 pm | 5:49:43 am | 8:09:30 pm | 13h 21m 13s | 🌔 (96%) |
Thu, Oct 17 | 7:08:55 am | 7:41:04 am | 6:17:44 pm | 6:49:54 pm | 10h 36m 40s | 12:59:24 pm | 6:30:08 am | 7:28:40 pm | 5:51:22 am | 8:07:26 pm | 13h 25m 4s | 🌔 (100%) |
Fri, Oct 18 | 7:10:34 am | 7:42:48 am | 6:15:38 pm | 6:47:51 pm | 10h 32m 50s | 12:59:13 pm | 6:31:45 am | 7:26:40 pm | 5:53:01 am | 8:05:24 pm | 13h 28m 53s | 🌖 (100%) |
Sat, Oct 19 | 7:12:13 am | 7:44:31 am | 6:13:32 pm | 6:45:50 pm | 10h 29m 1s | 12:59:02 pm | 6:33:22 am | 7:24:41 pm | 5:54:39 am | 8:03:24 pm | 13h 32m 43s | 🌖 (97%) |
Sun, Oct 20 | 7:13:52 am | 7:46:15 am | 6:11:28 pm | 6:43:50 pm | 10h 25m 13s | 12:58:51 pm | 6:34:59 am | 7:22:43 pm | 5:56:17 am | 8:01:26 pm | 13h 36m 31s | 🌖 (91%) |
Mon, Oct 21 | 7:15:32 am | 7:47:59 am | 6:09:25 pm | 6:41:52 pm | 10h 21m 26s | 12:58:42 pm | 6:36:36 am | 7:20:47 pm | 5:57:55 am | 7:59:29 pm | 13h 40m 18s | 🌖 (83%) |
Tue, Oct 22 | 7:17:11 am | 7:49:43 am | 6:07:23 pm | 6:39:54 pm | 10h 17m 40s | 12:58:33 pm | 6:38:13 am | 7:18:53 pm | 5:59:32 am | 7:57:34 pm | 13h 44m 4s | 🌖 (74%) |
Wed, Oct 23 | 7:18:51 am | 7:51:27 am | 6:05:22 pm | 6:37:58 pm | 10h 13m 55s | 12:58:25 pm | 6:39:50 am | 7:16:59 pm | 6:01:09 am | 7:55:41 pm | 13h 47m 50s | 🌖 (64%) |
Thu, Oct 24 | 7:20:31 am | 7:53:12 am | 6:03:22 pm | 6:36:04 pm | 10h 10m 10s | 12:58:17 pm | 6:41:26 am | 7:15:08 pm | 6:02:45 am | 7:53:49 pm | 13h 51m 35s | 🌗 (54%) |
Fri, Oct 25 | 7:22:10 am | 7:54:57 am | 6:01:24 pm | 6:34:10 pm | 10h 6m 27s | 12:58:10 pm | 6:43:03 am | 7:13:18 pm | 6:04:21 am | 7:51:59 pm | 13h 55m 18s | 🌗 (44%) |
Sat, Oct 26 | 7:23:50 am | 7:56:42 am | 5:59:26 pm | 6:32:18 pm | 10h 2m 44s | 12:58:04 pm | 6:44:39 am | 7:11:29 pm | 6:05:57 am | 7:50:12 pm | 13h 59m 1s | 🌘 (34%) |
Sun, Oct 27 | 6:25:29 am | 6:58:27 am | 4:57:30 pm | 5:30:28 pm | 9h 59m 3s | 11:57:59 am | 5:46:15 am | 6:09:43 pm | 5:07:32 am | 6:48:26 pm | 14h 2m 42s | 🌘 (26%) |
Mon, Oct 28 | 6:27:09 am | 7:00:12 am | 4:55:36 pm | 5:28:39 pm | 9h 55m 24s | 11:57:54 am | 5:47:50 am | 6:07:58 pm | 5:09:07 am | 6:46:42 pm | 14h 6m 22s | 🌘 (17%) |
Tue, Oct 29 | 6:28:49 am | 7:01:58 am | 4:53:43 pm | 5:26:52 pm | 9h 51m 45s | 11:57:50 am | 5:49:26 am | 6:06:15 pm | 5:10:41 am | 6:45:00 pm | 14h 10m 1s | 🌘 (11%) |
Wed, Oct 30 | 6:30:28 am | 7:03:44 am | 4:51:51 pm | 5:25:06 pm | 9h 48m 7s | 11:57:47 am | 5:51:01 am | 6:04:33 pm | 5:12:15 am | 6:43:19 pm | 14h 13m 38s | 🌘 (6%) |
Thu, Oct 31 | 6:32:08 am | 7:05:29 am | 4:50:00 pm | 5:23:22 pm | 9h 44m 31s | 11:57:45 am | 5:52:36 am | 6:02:53 pm | 5:13:49 am | 6:41:41 pm | 14h 17m 15s | 🌘 (2%) |
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Sunrise and Sunset photos in Nant-y-moel, Wales
Enjoy this beautiful gallery of images of the sunset and sunrise at Nant-y-moel, Wales. All images provided by our fantastic community of photographers!
Year distribution of sunrise and sunset times in Nant-y-moel, Wales - 2024
The followin graph shows sunrise and sunset times in Nant-y-moel, Wales for every day of the year. There are two jumps in the graph that represent the hour change for Daylight Saving Time (DST) in Nant-y-moel, Wales.