Sunrise and Sunset Times in Argentina
Sun up, sun down, we’ve got the lowdown on Argentina's skies! Get accurate sunrise and sunset times across Argentina, with precise timing for every location, from the bustling streets of Buenos Aires to the majestic Iguazu Falls, from the glaciers of Patagonia to the vineyards of Mendoza, from the colorful landscapes of Salta to the penguin colonies of Tierra del Fuego.
Provinces in Argentina
- Buenos Aires
- Buenos Aires F.D.
- Catamarca
- Chaco
- Chubut
- Cordoba
- Corrientes
- Entre Rios
- Formosa
- Jujuy
- La Pampa
- La Rioja
- Mendoza
- Misiones
- Neuquen
- Rio Negro
- Salta
- San Juan
- San Luis
- Santa Cruz
- Santa Fe
- Santiago del Estero
- Tierra del Fuego
- Tucuman
Main Locations in Argentina
We've listed the top locations in Argentina below, but you can search for a particular location to find out the exact sunset and sunrise times.
First light at 5:45:49AM
Sunrise time: 6:10:14 AM
Sunset time: 7:08:28 PM
Last light at 7:32:53PM
First light at 6:12:52AM
Sunrise time: 6:36:22 AM
Sunset time: 7:28:45 PM
Last light at 7:52:15PM
First light at 5:56:55AM
Sunrise time: 6:20:50 AM
Sunset time: 7:15:57 PM
Last light at 7:39:53PM
First light at 5:37:58AM
Sunrise time: 6:03:34 AM
Sunset time: 7:08:34 PM
Last light at 7:34:10PM
First light at 6:21:59AM
Sunrise time: 6:44:23 AM
Sunset time: 7:29:04 PM
Last light at 7:51:29PM
First light at 6:24:44AM
Sunrise time: 6:46:44 AM
Sunset time: 7:28:14 PM
Last light at 7:50:14PM
First light at 5:58:43AM
Sunrise time: 6:22:17 AM
Sunset time: 7:15:04 PM
Last light at 7:38:38PM
First light at 5:55:47AM
Sunrise time: 6:18:20 AM
Sunset time: 7:04:02 PM
Last light at 7:26:34PM
First light at 5:44:09AM
Sunrise time: 6:06:40 AM
Sunset time: 6:52:11 PM
Last light at 7:14:42PM
First light at 5:55:46AM
Sunrise time: 6:21:39 AM
Sunset time: 7:28:12 PM
Last light at 7:54:05PM
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First light at 5:56:24AM
Sunrise time: 6:18:56 AM
Sunset time: 7:04:37 PM
Last light at 7:27:10PM
First light at 5:47:09AM
Sunrise time: 6:11:36 AM
Sunset time: 7:09:55 PM
Last light at 7:34:22PM
First light at 5:45:12AM
Sunrise time: 6:09:40 AM
Sunset time: 7:08:07 PM
Last light at 7:32:35PM
First light at 6:24:50AM
Sunrise time: 6:46:44 AM
Sunset time: 7:27:19 PM
Last light at 7:49:13PM
First light at 6:17:09AM
Sunrise time: 6:39:45 AM
Sunset time: 7:26:01 PM
Last light at 7:48:37PM
First light at 5:57:54AM
Sunrise time: 6:21:29 AM
Sunset time: 7:14:25 PM
Last light at 7:38:00PM