Sunrise and Sunset Times in Madagascar

Sun up, sun down, we’ve got the lowdown on Madagascar's skies! Get accurate sunrise and sunset times across Madagascar, with precise timing for every location.

Regions in Madagascar

Main Locations in Madagascar

We've listed the top locations in Madagascar below, but you can search for a particular location to find out the exact sunset and sunrise times.

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 4:58:26AM

Sunrise time: 5:19:28 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 5:52:03 PM

Last light at 6:13:06PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 4:51:35AM

Sunrise time: 5:12:32 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 5:44:04 PM

Last light at 6:05:01PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 4:59:39AM

Sunrise time: 5:20:49 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 5:54:44 PM

Last light at 6:15:54PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 5:05:51AM

Sunrise time: 5:26:30 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 5:54:47 PM

Last light at 6:15:26PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 4:58:05AM

Sunrise time: 5:19:29 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 5:55:38 PM

Last light at 6:17:03PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 5:10:03AM

Sunrise time: 5:31:47 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 6:10:42 PM

Last light at 6:32:26PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 4:56:28AM

Sunrise time: 5:16:48 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 5:40:41 PM

Last light at 6:01:01PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 4:58:40AM

Sunrise time: 5:20:44 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 6:02:23 PM

Last light at 6:24:27PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 4:51:33AM

Sunrise time: 5:12:03 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 5:38:26 PM

Last light at 5:58:56PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 4:58:42AM

Sunrise time: 5:19:50 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 5:53:27 PM

Last light at 6:14:35PM

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Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 4:55:13AM

Sunrise time: 5:17:15 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 5:58:42 PM

Last light at 6:20:44PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 4:56:48AM

Sunrise time: 5:17:13 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 5:42:12 PM

Last light at 6:02:37PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 5:10:09AM

Sunrise time: 5:31:23 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 6:05:53 PM

Last light at 6:27:08PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 4:56:45AM

Sunrise time: 5:17:38 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 5:48:24 PM

Last light at 6:09:16PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 4:55:47AM

Sunrise time: 5:16:41 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 5:47:48 PM

Last light at 6:08:42PM

Sun rising over the horizon

First light at 5:04:30AM

Sunrise time: 5:25:31 AM

Sun setting behind the horizon

Sunset time: 5:57:55 PM

Last light at 6:18:57PM

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